Multi-Faceted Self

Multi Faceted Self !!

  1. How do you feel about the overall outcome of this piece in relation to your art making process?
I feel pretty good about it, I do like working in collage and with writing in my artwork. I also like building up layers and using symbolism to get a message through.
  1. In what way did you integrate your personal art practice into this project?
i integrated my personal art practice into this piece by adding a self portrait which I make a lot of, as well as my own writing and style of artmaking.
  1. How did you challenge yourself creatively, conceptually and/or technically in the making of this piece?
I challenged myself by trying not to make my message super literal. I also faced other challenges with trying to find depth within my piece and make it feel complete.
  1. Were there elements that made the completion of this piece either more difficult or felt not challenging enough?
Things that made this project not very challenging was just the fact that I know photoshop moderately well and have been using it for a long time, so not a lot of the techniques i learned about or used were difficult for me to learn or become accustomed to. 
  1. Reflect on the project critique: was the feedback you received helpful? Be specific about why or why not.
I think the feedback was alright, I did want to hear more about how my piece could have been improved compositionally or conceptually.  For example, I asked the question asking for criticism or compliments and i didnt really recieve anything constructive as to what I could change.
  1. Please share any other thoughts.
I enjoyed making this piece and am excited to learn new programs! 
