
Is there something physical you collect?

I collect figurines of owls and turtles, and have been since I was in middle school. 

What digital collections do you have...for example: I have years worth of photographs, a hard drive full of music I haven't listen to in a while, resumes dating back to 2001...

I have almost 1500 emails in my inbox, snapchat memories dating back to 2015, and every photo my family has taken since my parents got married.

How does the digital world affect the way we collect?

The digital world makes it so the quantity of what we collect is merely a cluster of pixels, so instead of having thousands of physical photos, all of the photos we have are stored in a file on a hard drive that takes up no 3 dimensional space. 

Set up collecting parameters for your digital collection (do a search or two to see if it's plausible):
What will you? (be as specific as possible, ie. swimming pools in Philadelphia)

Im going to do bloodshot eyes

How many? (example 10… less is more because you will be processing each image you collect!)
Where to source ( online - google maps, instagram)?

